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Comprehensive information protection system

Comprehensive information protection system (CIS) is a set of organizational and technical measures, hardware and software tools that ensure the protection of information in information and telecommunication systems: on autonomous workstations (AS of class 1) and in computers computer networks (AS class 2 and 3).

When building the KSZI, we use software that has a positive expert opinion issued by the State Service for Special Communications and Protection of Ukraine.

KSZI ensures the processing of information, the protection of which is mandatory, and is regulated by law of Ukraine «On protection of information in automated systems» and «On access to public information». The system ensures reliable protection of this information in the processes of receipt, use, distribution and storage.

A comprehensive system of information protection includes measures and means that implement methods, methods, mechanisms of information protection from:

  • information leakage through technical channels (side electromagnetic radiation, acoustic-electric channels, etc.);

  • unauthorized actions and unauthorized access to information (connection to equipment and communication lines, masquerading as a registered user, use of embedded devices or programs, etc.);

  • special impact on information (formation of fields and signals with the aim of violating the integrity of information or destroying the protection system).

For each specific information and telecommunications system, the composition, structure and requirements for the CSZI are determined by the properties of the processed information, the class of the automated system and the conditions of its operation.

The Institute also conducts research and develops a methodology for the introduction of technical means of information protection using modern technologies — biometric systems; systems that use smart cards; image recognition systems.

List of KSZI services:

  • system integration of hardware and software, taking into account the individual needs of the Customer (Education, EDS, antivirus, etc.). We also create KSZI on your computers;

  • development of the Terms of Reference for system implementation;

  • conducting an examination of the system functioning environment and comparing the relevant act;

  • conducting preliminary tests and experimental operation, with the preparation of the necessary documents;

  • development of accompanying documentation (regulations, instructions, threat model, etc.);

  • Creation of the KSHI «on a turnkey basis» — from conducting a security audit to obtaining a certificate of conformity of the KSHI in accordance with Ukrainian ND TKI;

  • implement the KSZI and provide long-term technical support.

The creation of KSZI is carried out in accordance with the regulatory document of the system of technical information protection of the National Institute of Information Technology 3.7-003-05 «Procedure for the creation of a comprehensive information protection system in the information and telecommunications system» on the basis of a technical task developed in accordance with the requirements of the normative document of the system of technical protection of information of the National Institute of Trade and Industry 3.7-001-99 «Methodical guidelines for the development of a technical task for the creation of a complex information protection system in an automated system».

Procedure for obtaining a KSZI certificate

  1. Fill out an application at KSZI:
    Statement on the provision of services KSZI.doc

  2. Scan the application and send the scan to the PIT Research Institute (e-mail man1@osvita.net)

  3. Send by mail or hand over the original of the application in person to KSZI (address: 4 Smilyanska St., Kyiv, 03151, to Yu. V. Yesaulov, director of the PIT Research Institute)

  4. Conclude a contract with the PIT Research Institute (the contract is awarded immediately after the completion of clause 2)

  5. Make payment according to the contract

  6. Issue orders and relevant Acts (provided by the manager in the process of implementing KSZI)

  7. Receive a certificate of KSZI